Hald is over.
People have left!
People have left!
I feel sad.
We had a great farewell party and hardly slept the last night at the school that's meant so much to us all this year. Saying goodbye was terrible.
Eline, me and Eline (Cameroon)
And our dear Torstein joined us. :-)
Luckily some of the Hald students are from Madagascar, so I KNOW I'll see them again one day. Today I found out that I have to set a date for my return to Madagascar. It's much better to know when I'll be back than just the fact that I will be back. It won't be long. I miss it so much.
Thanks to Hald. Thanks to the teachers. Thanks to the people in Madagascar. Thanks to the students at Hald. Thanks to God. I've had a fantastic year and learnt a lot.
I like to think that I am a lot wiser now and that I have gained wisdom for the rest of my life!
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Feeling slightly nostalgic...
I realy like to read your blog, zavatra soratanao rehetra. manatena ny hahita anao indray andro any. Andriamanaitra no mandamina ny rehetra. ankino ambavaka izay atao. Tsy mlisy zavatra tsy ho hain'Andrimanitra atao. msatra aminy rehetra ary tena nahafinaritra ahy ianao ary tena tsy ho hadinoko izay rehetra nisehozay. tantanra mipetraka ho ahy ary mbola hotohizana raha toa ka sitrak'Andriamanitra
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