As you can see, I am in the process of learning Malagasy. If you had a look in my room, you would see many post-it notes all over the place. The yellow ones are nouns and the red are adjectives. For instance, on my bed there is a yellow note that says: "fandriana", "seng" and "kitanda". Let me explain: we are two girls learning Malagasy in my room ("fandriana"), one girl learning Norwegian ("seng") and one girl learning Swahili ("kitanda"). The funny thing about this word is that the village I am going to in Madagascar is called Fandriana! So in October I am finally going to bed! :) As you might understand, I also learn a few Swahili-words in this process. It's quite a good idea actually, because this way we see the words all the time and we can easily memorize them!
Every wednesday ("alarobia") and thursday ("alakamisy") we learn Malagasy from the two Malagasy exchange students. It's great! I'm really getting in the mood for Africa! :) This evening we are also going to meet the students from last year and we'll be able to ask questions etc... I'm looking forward to knowing more about what I'm going to do in "Bed". Hehe! ;)
Let me tell you more about my fantastic, white ("fotsy") room. The post-it notes are not the only things that are new. Eline (the girl I'm going to "Bed" with-wow that sounds strange!) went on a treasure hunt the other day and found a nice closet in the basement. "Why not drag this into our room and get it more cosy?" So now we have another place to store all our stuff. Delightful...! This morning she also surprised me with a black pussycat and a broken mirror! (No, she isn't superstitious...) You can imagine my surprise. She just said in a normal voice: "I found this cat in the hall. It's been inside the whole night. And this mirror isn't being used by anyone, it is just lying around in the basement..." Well, we patted the cat for a while before we set the poor thing free, but the mirror is still in our room. Eline is planning to buy something to hang it on. She is very sensible. That makes one of us, I guess... ;)
I tell you, nothing is boring when you live with Eline. She is full of fun ideas and has always a good comment ready. Here is a picture of the two of us on a "get-to-know-your-teammate-weekend"). I had to be blindfolded while she led me through the forest and vise-versa. I am really looking forward to going to Madagascar with Eline! :)